
Hailey Emery


Relevant Coursework

Software Testing

College of Natural Sciences - Spring 2024

Systematic approaches to software testing, theoretical foundations, and the current state of practice. Techniques and tools that improve software testing and overall development skills.

Database Systems

College of Natural Sciences - Spring 2024

Database analysis, design, administration, implementation, hierarchical, network relational models; data sublanguages; query facilities.

Senior Design Project II

College of Engineering - Spring 2024

Advanced project, formal report, and oral presentation.

Senior Design Project I

College of Engineering - Fall 2023

Advanced project, seminar series, formal written report, and oral presentation.

Modern CyberSecurity

College of Natural Sciences - Fall 2023

Contemporary cyber-security issues; techniques, programs, tools and methods for examining contemporary cyber-attacks and cyber-defenses.

Computer Networks and the Internet

College of Natural Sciences - Fall 2023

Principles of communications, local area networks, communication protocols, TCP/IP, and the Internet.

Embedded Systems and Machine Learning

College of Natural Sciences - Fall 2023

Machine learning for embedded computing systems; hardware/software optimizations for machine learning; hardware accelerators for deep learning; data reuse and sharing techniques; memory and network design for machine learning acceleration; anomaly detection and adversarial learning; advanced applications of machine learning in embedded applications.

Operating Systems

College of Natural Sciences - Spring 2023

Introduction to operating systems including memory organization, I/O control, multitasking, process control, coordination, and resource management.

Introduction to Communications Principles

College of Engineering - Spring 2023

Basic concepts in design and analysis of communication systems.

Linear System Analysis II

College of Engineering - Spring 2023

Laplace and Z transforms, applications to modulation, filtering and sampling, state space representation.

Computer Organization and Architecture

College of Engineering - Spring 2023

CPU design; microarchitecture; data path and control path; pipelining; memory system; I/O system; program optimization by system software/hardware.

Software Engineering

College of Natural Sciences - Fall 2022

Principles, concepts, and techniques associated with team-based development of large, complex software systems. Topics include teamwork, configuration management, project management, requirements engineering, and systematic testing techniques. Use software tools in the context of a Scrum-based Agile development project

Systems Security

College of Natural Sciences - Fall 2022

Computer and system security, authentication, access control, malicious software, and software security.

Introduction to Project Practices

College of Engineering - Fall 2022

Development of project skills and professionalism within the electrical and computer engineering (ECE) discipline through individual and group project work guided by ECE industry leaders.

Linear System Analysis I

College of Engineering - Fall 2022

Continuous and discrete time signals and systems representations in time and frequency domain; time convolution.

Digital System Design

College of Engineering - Fall 2022

State machines with PLAs as controllers and small computers; timing and race elimination considerations; state and microprogramming implementation.

Intro to Ordinary Differential Equations

College of Engineering - Summer2022

First and second order equations, series, Laplace transforms, linear algebra, eigenvalues, first order systems of equations, numerical techniques.

Introdction to Microcontrollers and IoT

College of Engineering - Spring 2022

Microprocessor organization, Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, microprocessor coding using C and assembly language, I/O techniques, real-time interfaces, and applications.

Algorithms-Theory and Practice

College of Natural Sciences - Fall 2021

Analysis, design, implementation and applications of algorithms.